Important dates & deadlines
November 5th, 2024
Abstracts submission open
December 31th, 2024
Deadline for final submission
January 19th 2025,
deadline extension
February 10th, 2025
Notification of acceptance
March 31th, 2025
Deadline for early bird registration
April 15th, 2025
Deadline for presenting author registration
April 30th, 2025
Regular bird registration
After possible at the congress center
European Buiatric Congress
May 15th-16th, 2025
This Congress will host the ECBHM Annual General Meeting
Abstract Submission – Instructions to Authors
European buiatric congress
May 15th 16th, 2025
Nantes, France
Deadline: December 31th, 2025
Deadline extension: January 19th, 2025
The European College of Bovine Health Management (ECBHM) and the Société Nationale des Groupements Techniques Vétérinaires (SNGTV) through their Congress Scientific Committee is pleased to announce that the Call for Abstracts for the European Buiatric Congress, to be held at the Congress City Center, Nantes, FRANCE from 15th to 16th May 2025 is open and welcomes submissions of abstracts for oral and poster presentation.
The invitation is open to veterinarians, animal scientists, animal production engineers, researchers, professors and all those interested in domestic ruminant production.

Scientific areas for abstract submission:
Recent advances in diagnosis (IA, computer vision, data analysis)
Promoting calf health
Climate change and sustainability
Antimicrobials stewardship (antibiotics, antiparasitics) and veterinary public health
Welfare and pain management
Metabolic disease and regulation of inflammation
Immunology and infectious disease
Instructions for abstract submission:
Abstracts can only be submitted through the online submission form, which can be found in the abstracts section of the official congress website (www.EuropeanBuiatricCongress2025.com).
Important to consider:
Contact person: this is the person who submits the communication through the platform.
Presenting Author: this is the person who will attend the congress to present the work and who will appear as oral or poster presenting author in the programme.
Evaluation of the abstracts:
The evaluation of the abstracts will be carried out by 2 independant reviewers from the scientific committee taking into account the potential scientific value, the originality of the work, ethical considerations and correct writing in the English language. Relevance, objectivity, clear description of the work, the relation of the methodology with the objectives, and the congruence between results and conclusions will all be considered. Submissions must be original work regarding the topics below that have not yet been published or presented at another conference.
The contact author will be notified as of January 15th 2025 if the abstract has been accepted. Notifications will be sent by e-mail to the addresses indicated during abstract submission (contact person and speaker). Together with the notification, if the abstract is accepted, authors will be informed of the date, time and form of presentation. In order for the abstract to be published in the conference proceedings, the author and/or presenter must pay the registration fee by March 31st 2025. If the presenting author is not registered for the meeting by the deadline, the abstract will not be published in the proceedings. In addition, the abstract will be removed from the program and will no longer be available for presentation at the meeting.
Abstract Format
All the abstract must be written in English.
Use a 12-point Times New Roman font for the text. Single space in the text with a double space between paragraphs. Do not indent paragraphs. Use a 14-point Times New Roman bold font for the title.
During submission you must select the appropriate scientific area to ensure a proper review of the abstract. The abstract must be clearly related to the chosen area.
If abbreviations are used in the abstract they must be defined.
Do not mention names or commercial brands in the title. However, it is possible to indicate them, in square brackets, in the body of the abstract.
If absolutely needed, a maximum of five references may be listed in alphabetical order. It is suggested to use bibliographic reference managers (EdNote, Refworks) in APA style.
The abstract must contain a minimum of 215 words and cannot exceed 750 words (Title and affiliation are not counted). Do not include double spacing between sentences to avoid counting them as words.
For title and affiliation, fields will be provided to include this information in the web platform for uploading abstracts.
Abstracts should be structured as follows:
Material and methods
References (if needed)
Images, figures, charts, tables and graphs are NOT allowed.
Upon successful upload of the abstract, you will receive a confirmation email.
It is important to mention that if at the end of the abstract upload, the system does not indicate a reference number, the submission cannot be considered as valid. If you abandon the process before the end of the uploading process all data will be lost.
Please check your abstract for typing, grammatical or scientific errors. No corrections will be possible after the submission. The abstract will be reviewed as submitted, no editorial revisions or corrections will be made.
The content and presentation of abstracts are absolutely the responsibility of the authors.
If you need to modify or withdraw an abstract, you must request it indicating the reasons to the following email : scientific_comitee_ebc_2025@sngtv.org
Publication policy
All abstracts accepted for oral or poster presentation will be published in the scientific proceedings. Each registered author will be limited to only 2 propositions.
Instructions to Authors for 2025 European buiatric congress abstracts submission
example of one author:
Raphaël Guattéo
Oniris Veterinary School
Nantes, France
If there is more than one author, use the full names (with middle initial). Superscript numerals should be used after each author’s name to identify their organization, city, state and country, which should be typed immediately underneath the list of author names.
For your accommodation:
example of more than one author:
- Guattéo R.1, Ravinet N.1, and Dravigney L.2
1Oniris Veterinary school, Nantes, France
2SNGTV, St Flour, France
Do not include street address, postal code or e-mail address. Names, institutions, city and state should be typed in upper and lower case. Use 12-point Times New Roman font.
Single space the text within a paragraph, with a double space (i.e., skip one line) between each paragraph. Do not indent the first line of a paragraph.
Primary section headings should begin at the left margin; capitalize the first letter of each word (upstyle) and underline the entire heading. Do not use a bold face font. Secondary section headings should begin at the left margin, upstyle and italicized.
Abbreviations should be described on first use and should not be in bold font.
Tables must be vertically oriented and may be placed in the text or at the end of the paper. Captions should be a single sentence, typed at the head of the table; additional explanatory information, including non-standard abbreviations, should appear as numerically ordered footnotes, directly underneath the table. Do not change the margins to make tables and figures fit on a page. Tables should be constructed using the Table function of MS Word, with each entry in a separate cell. Do not make tables using the tab key or by using spaces.
Figures will be reproduced in grayscale in the printed proceedings. Figures must be vertically oriented and be accompanied by a short descriptive caption that contains explanation of all markers, lines and symbols used, but no abbreviations.
Symbols and special characters sometimes change or are lost during electronic transmittal from one system to another. Please limit yourself to the characters that are available in Times New Roman and Symbol fonts. Avoid the use of unusual symbols. You may want to consider spelling out symbols or special characters (such as alpha and beta).
Do not use footnotes at the bottom of pages since this area will be used to add page numbers prior to publication.
Measures should be listed in both U.S. (imperial system) and metric equivalents, if possible. There is no preference as to which is listed first.
References should be cited alphabetically. The citation sequence is: name(s) of author(s), year of publication, title, abbreviated name of periodical, volume and page numbers. Include name and address (city, state, country) of publisher for books.
See the next page for a sample manuscript that illustrates the formatting requirements.
Sample References
1 – DE RYCKE J. Les colibacilles producteurs de cytotoxines : importance en médecine vétérinaire et en santé animale. Annales de Recherches Vétérinaires. 1991;22:105-126
4 – TYLER JW, SPEARS H, NELSON R. Antigenic homology of endotoxin with a coliform mastitis vaccine strain Escherichia coli 0111B4 (JJ). Journal of Dairy Science. 1992;75:1821-1825.
35 – MURRAY MJ. Suppression of gastric acidity in horses. J. Amer. Vet. Med. Assoc. 1997;211(1):37-40